The Journey


Over the course of my life,


I've dealt with my fair share of struggles. I've learned that there are way more people dealing with anxiety, depression, and all sorts of things that people in their circle know nothing about than it seems.

Out of all all those things, though (which sound much more serious), insomnia has actually been my biggest obstacle. Medications and lifestyle changes helped in all other areas, but the sleepless nights were one thing I could never cure. It led to a lot of struggle just trying to function in everyday life.
I sank into a dark place for a while, and that's where I discovered my craft. I spent hours learning all I could. Over months, I went from constantly feeling defeated to being excited about something. On any given night, you'd find me working away by lamplight, trying to perfect my stitching or edgework, or drafting up a new pattern. After many months, Noxcraft Leather was born. The name pays homage to the struggles that brought me here, essentially meaning "Nightcraft" Leather.



“Someone wayward is a little stubborn and independent — they're determined to find their own way.” 


My journey through these past few years has taught me to embrace the things that make me different, because in doing so I can channel a truly unique style into my products. Once I stopped trying to force myself to be someone else and stepped out of that box, I was able to start creating a peaceful and happy life. And because of all the support I've received from this wonderful community, I'm able to be here now, making goods for other wayward souls like myself - for those who never fit the mold, those who live by their own moral compass, those who have struggled and decided to make their own path in life - regardless of what others may think.

Make your own path my friends. Trust in yourself and you will get to where you want to be. And most importantly, #livewayward